Make your home a sanctuary with wood heating
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Make Your Home a Sanctuary with Wood Heating

Wood heating in the home

Make your home a sanctuary with wood heating

Amongst the many things that 2020 taught us, we learnt just how important making your home as comfortable as possible is! And nothing says cosy and comfy as much as the whole family snuggled up around a wood fire.

With that, read on as we have rounded up a few quick tips to ensure your wood heater is set and ready to go for the ultimate living room sanctuary.

1. Get the low down on what wood works

With new Australian standards recently introduced, slow combustion fires burn more efficiently than ever before. This makes the quality of firewood more important.

For the best results, always use the type of fuel recommended by the manufacturer. If your heater meets the national emission standard, it will have a compliance plate which specifies the correct fuel to use.

See here, for all our FAQs on firewood purchasing, storing and use.

2. Install your heater correctly
Don’t create unnecessary hazards by rushing the installation of your wood heater. Taking the time to ensure your wood heater is installed correctly will make sure you have a sustainable heat source for years to come.
Clearances, flues and fuel heights are amongst many things to consider when installing your appliance, that’s why we have a page dedicated to answering your questions on all things installation so you can say hello to cosy nights in around the fireplace!

View our tips here

3. Spark the flame with our simple tips on starting your unit

Get your fire burning cleanly and efficiently with our eight simple steps on starting your unit. Use kindling wood and firelighters to get the fire going, with large pieces of wood to be added after a hot bed of coals has been established.

4. Don the Danish way of life.
Once your wood heater is set and ready to go, perhaps think about the rest of the space and what you can do to enhance the level of cosiness. The Danish had this idea down pat long before many of us, even giving it a special name: ‘Hygge’, which means to create a warm and cosy atmosphere.
A roaring fire is certainly a main element of hygge, and you can enhance this further by decorating the room with textural elements such as warm, natural materials like wood and wool, adding low, dimmed downlights to the living space as well as creating little nooks via a window bench or seat with fluffy cushions and blankets.

So, there you have it! Four tips on getting your home as cosy and as comfortable as can be. 

Over the past year, we have seen just how important it is to have a welcoming space to relax in and if we give our living spaces and fireplace as much love as possible, they’ll give us a good return for many years to come!

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