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Improve Your Home Décor With A Wood Heater

get the most out of your wood heater

The Australian Home Heating Association prides itself on educating others about real wood heating and keeping everyone in the loop with the latest standards and policies. Not only that, but we care about how your wood heater looks and makes you feel! (Warm and fuzzy, I know.) Let us show you what you can do to get the most out of your fireplace and take your home’s décor to another level of beauty.

Out with the old, in with the new.

You have probably come across homes that have that old, rusty fireplace that just seems to sit there and collect dust. Those wood heaters are typically much larger and do not provide the efficiency of a modern wood heater. Not only do they create excessive amounts of smoke and ash, but they require more wood to generate even the minimum level of heat. So, if you have one, consider upgrading to a new wood heater, and upgrade your living space with both heat and looks! And with popular smaller sized fireplaces available with larger glass faces, the entire family can enjoy the warmth generated.

Get the most out of your wood heater.

We believe that a dish is best served HOT. So why not put your wood fire stove to good use and cook up a storm on one of these cold nights. Cooking on wood fire stoves provide many benefits:

  • Cost effective – wood fire stoves rely solely on (you guessed it) wood! A much cheaper option than using electric cooktops.
  • Beautiful aroma – who doesn’t enjoy filling their home with the stunning smells of food cooked on a wood fire?
  • Stay warm – keeps your home warm while you cook! Need we say more?
  • Real flavour – Food that is cooked over wood has a much more natural and distinct flavour compared to cooking on electric cooktops. They also allow for certain nutrients and antioxidants to be retained in your food, resulting in an even tastier meal for you and your family.

Take your décor to the next level.

We want your fireplace to stand out in your home, but do not be afraid to add design elements to further improve the look of your living area. Many interior designers incorporate shelving space next to wood heaters so that wood can be stored and showcased!  We recommend leaving as much open space in front of the fire as possible, laying down a rug for people to relax on is a great way to improve the look and vibe of your home. Alternatively, a coffee table is a great way for you to put your feet up or use to put your glass of wine or hot coffee on whilst you enjoy the fire.

Modern wood heaters are no longer used as pure, heating tools. They are a design accessory too, so bring your living room to life with one of the latest and greatest in wood heating.

For a list of AHHA certified providers, see here:

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