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Cleaning Your Flue, Who Knew?

Get the most out of your wood heater.

Every winter, many of us rely on our wood heaters to help keep our homes warm and cosy. But did you know that neglecting to clean your flue or chimney at least once a year could lead to a host of problems, including backdrafts, smouldering, reduced heat output, poor fireplace performance, and even flue fires? To help you avoid these issues, let’s discuss why it’s essential to clean your flue or chimney, what could happen if you don’t, and how you can maintain your flue in between professional cleans.

First things first, what exactly is a flue, and why do you need to clean it? A flue is a duct or pipe either located in your chimney (or room if you own a freestanding wood heater) that efficiently channels smoke and combustion gases from your wood fire. If you don’t clean this pipe, creosote build-up can cause irreparable damage. When creosote is combined with soot, a flammable coating can form inside the flue, which can result in a chimney fire. This is why it’s so important to clean your flue or chimney at least once a year, and more frequently if you use your wood heater almost every day.

So, what could happen if you don’t clean your flue regularly? For starters, you could experience backdrafts, which are gusts of smoke or combustion gases from your wood fire that can enter your home. Neglecting your flue could also lead to a smouldering, high emissions burn which can cause significant damage.

If you neglect your flue, you’ll experience reduced heat output and poor fireplace performance. This is because your heater won’t be able to draw sufficient oxygen for proper combustion, resulting in a less efficient, less effective fire.

So, it’s best to get a professional flue cleaner to clean your flue once a year. However, there are things you can do to help maintain your flue. For instance, you can use chemical cleaning products such as cleaning logs which contain a blend of chemicals that help break down and loosen creosote and soot build-up, making the cleaning process much easier when a professional comes in!

In conclusion, cleaning your flue or chimney regularly is of utmost importance, not only to avoid dangerous chimney fires but also to enhance your wood heater’s efficiency and performance. By following the tips discussed in this blog post, you’ll ensure that your flue remains clean, safe, and functional for years to come. Remember, prevention is better than cure, so better safe than sorry – get that flue cleaned!

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