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Our Relationship With Landcare Australia

The Landcare movement

Who is Landcare Australia?

Landcare Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation which incorporates farmers and conservationists who work as a collective to resolve issues surrounding the environment. Established over 30 years ago by the late former Prime Minister, Bob Hawke; Landcare assists the community with funding, on-ground projects, information, and networking.

Our partnership.

When you purchase an AHHA certified wood heater, you are in-turn supporting Landcare Australia to encourage positive changes for the environment. AHHA’s major financial funding to Landcare Australia is based on the idea of a closed-loop system, where firewood is encouraged to be sourced from sustainably managed forests and plantations.

The Landcare movement.

Landcare Australia encompasses farmers, landowners, youth groups and other community groups involved in the protection of the environment. Their work has spread throughout local, state, and federal governments, as well as corporate and community groups. Thanks to the hard work of Landcare, awareness for environmental safety is growing every year. Some of the ways in which they do this include:

  • Sharing knowledge and promoting the development of community leadership.
  • Recognising and celebrating the achievements of the Landcare community.
  • Encouraging participation in Landcare activities and the recruitment and retention of volunteers.
  • Attracting government and corporate funding to improve environmental outcomes.
  • Supporting the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices that will deliver a more productive and profitable agriculture.

How to be involved.

There are many local groups which you can join, or you can even register and start up your own Landcare group! There are so many ways in which you can help protect the environment. Next time you fire up your wood heater, take a moment to think about where your wood has come from. Wherever possible, make sure your wood comes from sustainable sources. We recommend only burning dry and seasoned wood which can be picked up from many of our AHHA certified partners.

To learn more, see Landcare Australia’s website here: 

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